Select dishwasher type

The AEG ComfortLift® is the first dishwasher in the world that lets you gently slide and lift the lower basket upwards. With a dishwashing machine designed around your needs, you can unload more efficiently and stack more effectively. Dishwashing has never been easier with our range of smart and eco-friendly dishwashers.

null Integrated Dishwasher
Integrated Dishwasher
null Freestanding Dishwasher
Freestanding Dishwasher
Man standing next to dishwasher.

Our most energy-efficient dishwashers

ECOLINE dishwashers are our best-in-class models for energy and resource efficiency. All machines have features to save resources while delivering spotless results

Discover our Integrated range


Guided by QuickSelect with Ecometer

Responsible choices made easy. Use the QuickSelect touchscreen slider to select your prefered cycle time and the Ecometer guides you to the most sustainable program to save energy and water through visually green bars.

Dishwasher from AEG

Save energy

*Calculation based on Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) for Electrolux Dishwashers with A class (EEI 31,9) compared to D class (EEI 49,9) giving EEI difference 36%.​

*Based on internal test comparing the ECO program vs standard 90 min program of an energy class C appliance.

Effortless cycle-setting with quickselect

Smart remote dishwashing

Our QuickSelect dishwashers enable smart, responsible dishwashing. Get guidance on the right program based on load, time and soil level. Schedule washing to reduce energy costs. The app summarises usage and provides ECO reports.​

Eco dishwashing

Save up to 90L of water and 60% of energy by dishwashing vs handwashing*

*Comparing water/energy consumption per wash for ECO program of D class and above with EU average consumption for handwashing (as established by Stamminger et al., Washing-up behaviour and techniques in Europe (2007) considering 12 plate sets)

6000 Satelliteclean Dishwasher

Our Most Popular Product

Receive corner-to-corner cleaning with the 6000 SatelliteClean®. The innovative spray arm guarantees water reaches everywhere for deep cleaning. Up to three-times better spray coverage, providing stunning results every time.


Our AirDry function automatically opens the dishwasher’s door by 10 cm during the last stages of programmes to dry in a more energy smart and natural way. Now your dishes can be completely dry and spotless at a lower energy cost.

Learn more about our dishwashers

Energy smart, powerful and with clever features – dishwashers from AEG make dishes cleaner and everyday life easier. Find the right dishwasher for your needs with our buying guide!