By Meliz Cooks
Makes 12
- 200ml milk (whole, semi skimmed or dairy free such as almond, soya or oat are fine)
- 4 medium eggs
- 100g plain flour
- Good pinch of salt
1. Preheat oven to 230C fan / 250C.
2. In a large measuring jug, whisk together the milk and the eggs, then add flour and salt. Whisk with a hand mixer until no lumps are visible, then pop the jug in the fridge for at least an hour.
3. When the oven is hot, fill each round of a muffin tray with 3/4 tsp oil (beef dripping is also great) making sure you grease the sides so you can easily pop out the puds when they’re cooked. Place the tray on the top shelf of the oven for 15-20 mins until the oil is smoking - leave a little longer if necessary.
4. Take the Yorkshire pudding batter out of the fridge, give it another whisk, then carefully take the muffin tray out of the oven (closing the oven door behind you) and quickly pour in equal measures of the batter into each round - the batter should really sizzle as it hits the hot oil.
5. Quickly pop the tray back in the oven on the middle shelf, and turn the heat down to down to 190C fan / 210C - DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN DOOR until the Yorkshire puddings are a dark golden brown colour, which should take around 30 minutes, or a little longer if necessary. Take the puds straight out of the tray and onto a wire rack.
Top Tips
Top tips for Yorkies getting a full rise and not collapsing when taking them out:
1. Make sure the only thing in the oven is the Yorkshire Puds - they’re selfish little so and sos and prefer not to share their heat and space with anything else - this is also why cooking them in advance and freezing is handy as you can cook them at anytime when your oven is free.
2. Make sure they are a nice dark golden brown colour before taking them out, a good 30 mins at least, otherwise, even though they may have risen, they wouldn’t have crisped up enough, and can be susceptible to flop straight back down.
3. As soon as you take the tray out of the oven, take the Yorkshire Puddings straight out of the tray and onto a cooking rack.
4. It’s also really important that you use medium eggs for the recipe so that the measurements and textures work out perfectly.